Immediate Pricing Increase

Immediate Pricing Increase

October 10/10/17

When going to reorder certification cards today, I was informed by my training center that the American Heart Association raised the prices on the cards last week pretty substantially.  There was a 264% increase in the cost of the cards with no notice or warning to either instructors or training centers.  Due to this and other expenses the AHA has raised pricing on this year, I am left with no choice but to increase my pricing as well.  Effective 10/10/17, our CPR training pricing will be as follows:

BLS Provider

First Aid CPR AED


Pediatric First Aid CPR AED

First Aid



Group discounts are still available for all classes. 

American Heart Association certification cards are still valid for 2 years.  Cards are issued when you finish training, there is NO waiting period to get your certification from GA CPR Classes.

Offices in Conyers, Emory, and Marietta.

Thank you for using us for your CPR training!